God showed us His love by sending Jesus to die in our place. His love is not dependent on us, and should serve as our model for loving others.
Jesus came to bring us hope and peace. Through this, we can have true joy that can be shared with those around us.
Jesus brought peace to mankind that will not fail. His peace is not available from anywhere else, but he freely gives it to all who accept.
Jesus came to bring hope to a world enslaved to sin. Jesus shines in the darkness and calls us out of our sinful lives into His forgiving arms.
Christmas is when we celebrate God's love for us; when He sent His Son to earth to teach us and to die in our place that we may spend eternity…
The hope and peace that Jesus brought provides us with a source of unending joy.
Jesus brought to us a peace far beyond anything we could provide for ourselves.
Jesus brought hope with His birth, a hope that will not be overcome.
John led the way for Jesus. Though some thought John was the Messiah, he made sure they understood that Jesus was coming.
Mary willingly submitted to God's will. her love showed in her actions.